
My art originates in my deepest impulses and is coloured by my cultural and social background. It starts with an idea, an intention to create. At some point, the work is no longer a personal process but starts leading its own life. I then allow the glass to show me the way.,

Born in the Netherlands (1960), I spent a better part of 25 years in Africa, where I moved at least 18 times. Boarding school in South Africa was a stable base for secondary education. Botswana was my home. In 1985 I returned to the Netherlands - with a young family – but my 'roots' remain in Africa. My nomadic youth brought me into contact with different cultures and elements of nature in that environment. Themes that still fascinate me to this day.

The road to finding glass was a long road for me. My parents certainly were in favour of a 'profession' but even with a 'profession in the bag' art was in the blood. Textile art forms, painting, music ... all became part of my life and then, on a good day, there was glass! My search was over, my passion found. In my profession as an independent technical translator Dutch to English, I am confronted with an abundance of information. Varying and informative, often difficult to let go of. Glass casts a spell on me, keeps me in the 'now', lets me forget everything, challenges me and will fascinate me for a long time, of that I am certain! Maybe this explains why I did not hesitate for a moment to start an education in glass art at the IKA in Mechelen, Belgium. I completed this with success and I am proud of the degree obtained!

Examples of my art

Glass, with all its captivating facets, offers me the room to experiment and the possibility to give form and shape to an illusion of reality. Fiction and fact work together and create the 'Maya' that we live in – this in particular is what is reflected in my work.